Durum wheat and Solutions
The global market & RAGT
World durum wheat production is estimated at over 35 million tonnes per year.
Many countries produce durum, the 5 main producers being Italy, Canada, Mexico, the United States and France, which account for approximately one third of world production.
Durum wheat is mainly used for the production of semolina and pasta.
Global demand for durum wheat is constantly increasing due to population growth and changing eating habits.
RAGT is #1 in France, making it one of the top three breeders in Europe.
One of Europe's top three breeders.
Over 20 years of durum wheat breeding.
Durum wheat is generally more tolerant of drought than common wheat, making it a more appropriate choice for arid regions or regions prone to periods of drought.

Our Common challenges
Durum wheat production faces a range of complex issues, from climate and environmental challenges to food security, natural resource management and economic sustainability.
The sector is striving to reduce its carbon footprint.
RAGT for farmers: yield, stability, and also
RAGT has a wide and very competitive range of varieties adapted to the European market, and today a new range that opens up possibilities in southern Europe, particularly in Italy and Spain.
The disease profile of a variety is an element of yield security for farmers and is an integral part of the selection criteria for our breeders.
RAGT For Industries : Quality
RAGT is renowned for the quality and technological stability of the varieties it markets; a key requirement for industry.
Reducing their carbon footprint is another major requirement for the pasta industry. Adopting sustainable farming practices for durum wheat, such as crop rotation and the utilisation of cover crops, can help limit the carbon footprint. RAGT has internationally recognised expertise in this field.
Where you can find our varieties
Our Durum Wheat solutions

Did you know ?
Italy has the highest consumption of pasta at around 23kg/person/year. In contrast, France, Germany and Argentina consume just a third of this volume.
Reasons to grow Durum Wheat
- Durum wheat is in constant demand on the world market, particularly in regions where consumption of durum-based pasta and bakery products is high. This provides farmers with a secure outlet for their crops.
- Durum wheat is generally more tolerant of drought than common wheat, making it a more appropriate choice for arid regions or regions prone to periods of drought.