Forage grasses | Forage legumes
The global market & RAGT
Forage grasses and legumes are present all around the world. At a global level meat consumption is growing and forage crops are key to sustaining this. Even in regions such as Europe, where livestock numbers are declining, the use of forage meadows is increasing. Maintaining the area of grasses and legumes is vital for forage autonomy.
As a leading breeder of forage seeds, RAGT is active in the 3 main regions of meat production: Europe, Oceania and South America.
Varieties to suit climates from north to south
Perennial ryegrass, Italian ryegrass, Westerwold ryegrass, Cocksfoot, Tall fescue, Alfalfa, Red clover, White clover, Vetch, Bromegrass, Timothy, Rye, Oat, Fodder rape, Fodder beet, Leafy turnip, Stubble turnip
Innovation soft tall fescue

Our Common challenges
Each farm has its own forage system which depends on a number of parameters, such as the type of animals, the hectares available, the climate, the soil and how the foraged is used. Finding the right balance between species and varieties is the main challenge facing livestock farmers as they strive to achieve forage self-sufficiency.
RAGT for farmers: yield, stability, and also
Since 1970, RAGT has selected and adapted a wide range of forage species for each region, including endophytes and winter active types in Oceania, new quality standards in South America with soft leaved tall fescues, and more than 400 top class varieties and mixtures throughout Europe.
Flexibility is one of the main values in the forage market and RAGT must be adaptive to the needs of the farmer whilst also increasing the value of our varieties. We offer a wide portfolio of 15 different species and can provide expert advice on each variety and how best to mix them for productivity, quality or persistency.
With that strength in diversity we can provide answers to the challenges of climate change using resilient species such as cocksfoot, tall fescude, red clover and alfalfa.
RAGT For Industries : Quality
Where you can find our varieties
Our Forage grasses & legumes solutions

Did you know ?
Reasons to grow Forage
Forage grasses
These are productive and easy to use with many different characteristics within the group. Some species, such as ryegrass, are very productive with excellent quality in temperate conditions, but inefficient in dry situations. In contrast, tall fescue and cocksfoot are much more resilient in tough conditions but have lower quality. -
Forage legumes
The primary benefit of legumes lies in their contribution to the nitrogen autonomy of grassland as protein rich forages and nitrogen providers. In mixtures, fodder legumes provide two-thirds of the nitrogen requirements. The protein production also improves in terms of both quantity and quality. Legumes increase protein levels by 5 to 10% and improve fibre digestibility.