Legal notice and terms of use

Welcome to this site dedicated to information about RAGT SEMENCES (hereinafter the “Site”). We invite you to carefully read these terms of use which govern browsing on this Site (hereinafter the “Terms of Use”). By using the Site, you accept these Terms of Use without reservation.
If you have any queries about your use of the Site, please contact us at the following address:

Legal notice

Site URL :

Contact : Email : – Telephone number : 05 65 73 41 00 – Fax number : 05 65 73 41 99

Publication Director : Mr Damien ROBERT

Publisher : RAGT SEMENCES S.A.S with a capital of 43,275,010 euros, having its registered office
at site de Bourran, rue Emile Singla, 12000 RODEZ, registered with the Rodez Trade and Companies Register under number 431 899 756. VAT number: FR 52 431 899 756.

Hosted by :

1 rue Lignon, 34500 Beziers, France
Website :

Design and production : AGENCE CANTOU

Parc Commercial Saint-Marc 12850 Onet-le-Château, France
Website :

1. Access to the site

You may access the Site freely and without charge, without registering or creating an account. Access to the Site and/or some of its sections may require the use of personal access codes. In this case, it is up to you to take the appropriate measures to ensure the secrecy of these codes. You can of course change them at any time. However, the number of attempts to access the Site and/or certain of its sections may be limited in order to prevent fraudulent use of these codes. Please inform us of any fraudulent use of which you may be aware. Furthermore, in the event of non-compliance with the rules described in  these terms of use, we reserve the right to suspend your access. However, you remain responsible for the costs of accessing and using the telecommunications network.

2. intellectual property

The Site and each of its components (such as trademarks, images, texts, videos, etc.) are protected under intellectual property law. Any unauthorised use, reproduction or representation of the Site (in whole or in part) on any medium whatsoever for any other purpose is prohibited. These terms of use do not imply any transfer of intellectual property rights on the elements belonging to RAGT SEMENCES for the benefit of the user. We may make content available on this Site which you are authorised to download (hereinafter referred to as “downloadable content”). We grant you a non exclusive and nontransferable right to use the downloadable content solely for your personal and private needs, free of charge and for the legal term of protection of intellectual property rights as defined by law. Any reproduction, representation, modification or distribution of the downloadable content is prohibited.

3. Hypertext links

RAGT SEMENCES reserves the right to set up and remove links on its website giving access to web pages other than those of its Site. You are informed that the sites you can access via the links do not belong to RAGT SEMENCES. RAGT SEMENCES declines all responsibility for the content of the information provided on these sites when the link is activated. The creation of a link to this website without the express prior authorisation of RAGT SEMENCES is prohibited. RAGT SEMENCES cannot be held responsible for access by users to links on the Site to other resources on the Internet.

4. personal data and cookies

We may collect personal data about you in particular when you authenticate yourself, download Downloadable Content or send us an email. Cookies are files which are deposited on your device when you browse the Site (such as the pages you have visited, the date and time of your visit, etc.) and which may be read when you visit the Site again. For more information on the processing of your personal data and the use of cookies, please consult our Personal Data Protection Policy, which can be accessed here.

5. modification of the site and terms of use

We may modify the content and information included on this Site as well as these Terms of Use, in particular in order to comply with any new legislation and/or applicable regulations and/or in order to improve the Site. We therefore invite you, the next time you visit the Site, to reread these terms and take note of any changes that may have been made. Your continued use of the Site implies your acceptance of the new Terms of Use.

6. responsibility of the publisher

We endeavour to keep the Site and Downloadable Content accessible at all times. However, we cannot guarantee that the Site will be available and accessible at all times. We may be obliged to temporarily suspend partial or total access to the Site, in particular for technical maintenance reasons.
It is also specified that the Internet network and computer and telecommunications systems  are not error-free and that interruptions and breakdowns may occur. We cannot provide any guarantee in this respect and cannot therefore be held liable for any damage inherent in this use of the Internet and computer and telecommunications systems, including but not limited to:

  • poor transmission and/or reception of any data and/or information on the Internet;
  • external intrusion or the presence of a computer virus;
  • failure of any reception equipment or communication lines;
  • and any other malfunction of the Internet network preventing the proper operation of the Site.

Finally, we can only be held liable for direct damage, to the excluion of all other damage or harm of any nature whatsoever.

7. responsibilities of the user

You undertake to use the Site’s services and the information it contains only for purposes that  comply with public policy, accepted standards of behaviour and the rights of third parties. You acknowledge that you have checked that your computer configuration is virus-free and in perfect working order. You undertake not to interfere with other users’ use of the Site and not to access parts of the Site to which access is reserved. You undertake not to commit any act that could jeopardise the computer security of RAGT SEMENCES or other users. Similarly, you undertake not to interfere with or interrupt the normal operation of the Site. You also undertake to refrain from any form of commercial canvassing, particularly in the form of unsolicited emails. You must not collect, use or process any personal data of other users. Users of this Site are entirely responsible for the content and accuracy of the information they send to RAGT SEMENCES and for respecting any third party rights relating to this information.
If you visit this Site or download its content from a location other than France, please note that it is your responsibility to check that you are acting in compliance with the legislation applicable in that location.

8. applicable law and disputes

The Terms of Use are governed by French law. This applies to both substantive and formal rules. Any dispute arising from the application of these terms of use will fall within the jurisdiction of the courts of the registered office of RAGT SEMENCES.
It is specified that in the event of the legality of these Terms of Use being challenged, the legal notices will not be affected, as they constitute an act in their own right, independent of the Terms of Use.