Maize and Solutions

The global market & RAGT

Domesticated in America 9 000 years ago, corn is today the 2nd cereal grown in the world with more than 200 millions ha.
With over 1,2 billion tons harvested annually, corn take the top spot in terms of quantity produced per year, thanks to its high yield/ha. The main producers are USA, China, Brazil and Europe.
90% of the corn acreage are dedicated to the corn grain production. The less 10%, around 20 million hectare, are sown to provide forage especially in Europe.

The main outlet for corn is Animal Feed: corn is a significant source of energy for livestock, poultry, porks. Corn also enters in various domains:

  • The biochemical Industry uses maize to produce paper, cardboard, resin, plastic, detergents, foundry additives, pharmaceticals and health product…
  • For human food: Corn is used to produce breakfast cereals, snacks, tortillas and also process into corn syrop (for sweet products, beverages…).
  • Corn is also an alternative to fossil energy through biofuel industry or on-farm through biogas production.

RAGT is active in the major corn-producing regions ; In China, Brazil and Europe with its different subsidiaries. RAGT is indeed one of the historical players in maize selections in Europe. RAGT have strong positions in European Markets since 1970s.

Ragt key insights

FAO 150 to FAO 600

Multi-purpose: grain, silage, biogas, organic, waxy, semolina

Experts providing solutions from drilling to harvest.

Ragt World planet
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Our Common challenges

As a tropical crop maize can provide a very high yield in a short space of time. Nevertheless, maize remains sensitive to environmental stress factors such as drought, extreme temperatures and waterlogging. For example, in non-tropical areas, water availability during the key flowering and grain-filling periods is a major factor in the success of this crop.

RAGT for farmers: yield, stability, and also

The first yield component to be set up is plant population. Indeed, 50% of a maize crop’s potential depends on how well the crop is established. To increase the chances of success, RAGT selects varieties with high early vigor which are labelled Vigor Plus and offers to add a specific biostimulant from the Fortify program.

To overcome biotic stress and to provide farmers with greater security, RAGT selects dual-strength varieties that are productive under normal conditions and better able to maintain yields under drought conditions. These varieties are called StressLess H²O.

More specifically, in the case of difficult grass management, RAGT offers varieties in the Duo System®.

For farmers who want to remove the ceiling on yield, RAGT promotes varieties with the Secure Density label which are able to gain 10% extra yield thanks to a new planting geometry: a higher plant density and a lower inter-row distance. These techniques also make it possible to introduce maize into the rotation of farmers who already have a seed drill for sugar beet and sunflower.

Duo System: BASF registered trademark.

RAGT For Industries : Quality

Our breeding program pays particular attention to the healthiness of the maize ears to prevent the risk of mycotoxins. Mycotoxins (DON or ZEA) in maize production have an impact on feed and food.

For specific needs, RAGT offers waxy varieties, made from a specific starch that is more texturising than conventional maize starch. Both types of starch are in demand in the food industry.

Where you can find our varieties

Our maize solutions

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Did you know ?

This is a species where genetic progress remains important and constant. 20 years ago, the yield of irrigated maize was the same as it is today without irrigation.

Reasons to grow Maize