Peas and Solutions

The global market & RAGT

Field peas belong to the family of pulses well known for their agronomical & nutritional assets.
Used for feeding animals and human consumption (ingredients / edible grains) field peas have a good ratio between starch, fibre and protein.
The global field pea market is estimated at 5 million hectares. Three main territories grow two thirds of the global area: Russia, North America and Europe. Most of the peas grown are spring types with a yellow grain mostly dedicated to feed purposes. Nevertheless the food outlet is growing in demand as the pea offers non allergen, non GMO and good nutrition profiles.

RAGT is active in the major pea growing countries and leads the European market. The company offers a unique portfolio, which covers the entire colour segment (yellow, green and marrowfats) and growing cycles (both spring and winter).

Ragt key insights

#1 in Europe, present in 5 continents

Winter and spring peas

Crop resilience

Ragt World planet
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Our Common challenges

The global pea market dynamic is fragile as farmers need resilient varieties which can withstand abiotic & biotic stresses. In addition the profitability of the crop is highly challenged by other major crops.

RAGT for farmers: yield, stability, and also

50 years of RAGT breeding experience offers real solutions to reintroduce peas into the rotation. With a wide portfolio, bringing solutions against Aphanomyces and the avoidance of scalding at grain filling, RAGT offers solutions for every farmer. RAGT varieties have good disease and frost tolerance and are easy to harvest.

RAGT For Industries : Quality

The interest in plant protein is increasing year on year. Pea protein is one of the most innovative as it delivers a perfect nutrtion profile and has no gluten or GMO issues. For the industrial users, RAGT offers reliable varieties with which they will be able to secure their sourcing plan. In 2020, a milestone was reached with our variety Orchestra which offers both high yield and protein. It is now one of the largest varieties grown in the world for the food industry. Now and for the future, RAGT is involved in research projects in order to accelerate varietal innovation for the food industry toward taste and functionality.

Where you can find our varieties

Our peas solutions

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Did you know ?

Gregor Mendel, known as "the father of modern genetics" chose peas as a model to work on plant hybridisation. In 1865, Mendel published the principle of inheritance which is known as the fundamentals of genetics.

Reasons to grow Peas