- Sunflower
Genecare Mildew
Tolerance to mildew

In some regions, mildew is a major concern for sunflower cultivation, and areas of pressure are tending to expand.
Primary contamination is caused by heavy rain and excess water after sowing, which causes damage to the crop.
Genetic control is one of the best ways of combating mildew. At the same time, this pathogen has a great capacity to bypass resistance genes and seed treatments.
Our solution
RAGT’s GENECARE Mildiew solution is a robust genetic construction for resistance to mildew. GENECARE is the trademark affixed to RAGT varieties with polygenic resistance to a pathogen. GENECARE multiplies the barriers against the pathogen to prevent contamination of the plant. Within the GeneCare range, different genetic constructs are available, enabling growers to alternate different profiles and make this resistance more durable over time.
To go further and make this crop sustainable, we recommend: extending rotations by introducing several spring species; keeping plots as clean as possible by controlling weeds that are carriers of mildew and alternating chemical control methods.
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Our expertise for your best
To anticipate the inevitable changes, RAGT has clearly understood the need to have the best possible knowledge of this pathogen. Constant, meticulous vigilance is organised in order to offer varieties that are immunised before the new races cause significant damage. RAGT assesses the tolerance of these varieties to known and official races and at the same time tracks down new strains in contaminated crops to check the robustness of our current genes and genetic constructs.