• Oilseed rape

Genecare TuYV

Tolerance to turnip yellow virus

The turnip yellow virus (TuYV) has been around for many years.

Our solution

RAGT’s GENECARE TuYV solution is a robust genetic construct for resistance to the turnip yellows virus. GENECARE is the trademark applied to RAGT varieties with polygenic resistance to a pathogen. GENECARE multiplies the barriers against the pathogen to slow down and reduce contamination of the plant.

Our Advantages

Healthier plants, whatever the viral load

Your Benefits

+4.2% in yield observed on 69 trials over three years
More consistent performance

Our expertise for your best

RAGT scientists working with TuYV resistance are working with independent official bodies across Europe on pre and post registration trials. We don’t just focus on marker testing for the single gene. The protocol also involve elisa testing on all varieties within the trial matrix. This gives us the complete profile of the variety’s behaviour under virus pressure. The matrix consist of X number of location and X number of plot.