• Oilseed rape
  • Sunflower

Oil plus

Grain reach in oil content

Most of the value of sunflower and rapeseed comes from the oil. This is why these species are grown. There are significant differences between varieties, for example between a variety with a low oil content and one with a very high content, 6 points can separate them in rapeseed.
Cultivation methods and stresses can also have a positive or negative impact on oil content, but the ranking of varieties remains the same.

Our solution

The aim of RAGT breeding is to achieve a significantly higher oil content. Varieties with the Oil Plus label target an average oil content of 49% in sunflower and 44% in rapeseed.

Our Advantages

High oil content
More oil per ton of grain produced

Your Benefits

Best possibility of reaching the minimum oil level
Ability to access the oil bonus

Our expertise for your best

Over 50 years of work: A criteria incorporated into breeding programmes since the launch of oilseeds breeding in 1972.
Right from the start of selection schemes, lines and hybrids are selected on the basis of oil content.

One objective: to combine high oil content with maximum grain productivity