Sunflower and Solutions

The global market & RAGT

First cultivated by American Indians, sunflowers were introduced to Europe by the Spanish in the 16th century. But it wasn’t until the 19th century that its oil began to be used in food.

Its composition then underwent a rapid evolution. From the 1960s onwards, sunflowers finally conquered Western Europe. Today, they are cultivated in countries on all five continents, with a vast area stretching from Russia to Spain, via the Balkans and the Black Sea.

The world’s sunflower area amounted to around 28 million hecatres last year, with production exceeding 50 million tonnes. The three main production areas are Russia, Ukraine and the European Union. These regions account for almost 70% of the world’s sunflower production.

RAGT is active in 35 countries, which together account for 75% of the total sunflower acreage.
We have 3 breeding stations, the oldest of which is located in the Tarn region of France and has been home to our sunflower program since 1972. We also have a major breeding program in Ukraine which has been active since 2008. More recently, we acquired a breeding program in Argentina, following the entry of Tobin into the RAGT group.

Ragt key insights

RAGT's diverse portfolio has the potential to cover 85% of the global sunflower acreage

High oil content

Broomrape and weed management

Ragt World planet
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Our Common challenges

Sunflower, like oilseed rape, is a solution for oil, feed and fuel industries. Varieties must be sustainable and profitable providers of oil, protein and biofuels without competing with food crops.
In the field sunflower cultivation has to deal with many challenges across many different production zones. In addition, climate change can have a wide range of impacts: variety earliness, water stress, thermal stress. Sunflower crops also face biotic stress: diseases, pests and difficult weed management, including broomrape, downy mildew, rust, sclerotinia, verticillium, and bird damage at emergence and before harvest.

RAGT for farmers: yield, stability, and also

In order to characterise the behaviour of our varieties in very specific contexts and provide answers to various climates, RAGT is setting up a large experimental network covering all the conditions that the crop may encounter. This makes it possible to determine whether or not each hybrid is adapted to a specific climatic zone. We also need to be able to offer a wide range of maturities to meet the needs of each production zone, from the hottest to the coldest.

To overcome biotic stress, the RAGT range offers varieties with innovative genetic constructions and specific characteristics, including various concepts:

RAGT For Industries : Quality

Oil content has been an integral part of the company’s breeding programme for many years for oilseed rape and sunflower. Our germplasm is recognised globally for its excellent oil content.
Many varieties in the RAGT range have been labelled Oil+. This label identifies varieties whose oil content is significantly higher than average, ensuring greater added value for the entire sector.

RAGT provides a wide portolfio including high oleic varieties. These sunflowers produce an oil that can replace a large part of palm oil currently used within the food industry, which can improve the quality of fats provided in human food and therefore the health of the population.

Where you can find our varieties

Our sunflower solutions

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Did you know ?

Beware of the widespread idea that the flower follows the sun: it's actually the stem that bends to the light. In this way, the plant can make the best possible use of the energy provided by the sun.

Reasons to grow Sunflower