StressLess maize to cope with variations in summer rainfall
- Breeding, Maize
Maize is one of the species where genetic progress remains constant and therefore makes it possible to adapt and maintain performance despite increasingly intense climatic hazards. RAGT teams have always actively contributed to this.
“Without genetic progress, maize farmers would have lost much more yield in the difficult conditions of recent years”, says Charles Tiersonnier, an international maize expert.
Flowering and filling represent the two most critical stages of maize’s sensitivity to water stress. They also coincide with the period (end of June – end of August) when water availability is the most variable. In order to respond to this problem, for the past 12 years RAGT has been promoting a range of varieties offering performance & regularity in all conditions: the RAGT StressLess range.
StressLess, benefits validated in the field
StressLess maize specifications require two years of field experiments, based on both the French network and our European network, particularly in eastern European countries. “Continental stresses are stronger, with very high thermal ranges. Moreover, 100% of RAGT maize varieties promoted in Eastern Europe are labelled StressLess”, continues Charles Tiersonnier.
This variety selection is the result of the partnership between RAGT Research and the Technical Development Department. The varieties identified as carrying genes for tolerance to water stress are then tested in the field on a large scale and in many contexts in order to validate their good behaviour in all situations.

A concrete solution to guarantee performance in all situations
To be labelled as StressLess, a maize variety must meet two essential parameters for the farmer: be efficient in normal to optimal conditions while being efficient in more restrictive water conditions.
“Maize must be able to adapt to difficult conditions, while having the opportunity to express itself when the environment is favourable”, summarises Charles Tiersonnier.