DuoSystem, a solution to complex weeding problems

Publish on 9 May 2024
Duo System is a genetic innovation that provides a real answer to complex grass weed problems.

Duo System is based on the combination of Stratos Ultra (a powerful  post-emergence grass herbicide) with a variety of maize naturally tolerant to this herbicide. RAGT is the leading seed manufacturer in this area.

These varieties are obtained by successive crossovers, in a process called conversion. “A converted variety is identical to the initial variety, into which this tolerance gene was introduced”, explains Charles Tiersonnier, maize product expert.

Duo System Control of annual grasses

The pressure of panicum and foxtail-type annual grasses is a problem encountered very frequently in maize monoculture areas or in short rotations. This flora is reputed to be difficult to control. Indeed, conventional programs are not entirely satisfactory and in the event of strong infestation, it is not uncommon to observe the formation of a dense carpet that strongly penalises yield.

By using Duo System technology, the farmer is guaranteed to get a shock effect on panicum and foxtail grasses from the first week. “In two or three years, Duo System makes it possible to claim back heavily grassed fields,” explains Camille Bos, fodder maize expert.

Duo System Control of perennial grasses

Duo System is also particularly effective against perennial grasses (Aleppo grass, Couch grass, Bent grass, Bulbous oat grass, etc.)

These weeds have the characteristic of rising late and in a staggered formation while causing significant harm even in cases of moderate infestation.

“It is important to note that conventional solutions are ineffective against these perennial grasses and that farmers could rapidly come up against a technical barrier without this technology”, stresses Charles Tiersonnier


Benefits of the solution 

Duo System is effective thanks to excellent performance consistency and safe thanks to excellent selectivity. It also offers tremendous flexibility of intervention giving the opportunity to carry out catch-up or late weeding. This guarantees great flexibility to the farmer with regard to climatic conditions.

It is also a means of diversifying modes of action to combat grasses in maize. “Duo System poses itself for example as an alternative to anti-grass sulfonylureas or other weed control solutions withdrawn from the market”, adds Camille Bos.

 RAGT, as a leader in this specific market, is proud to be able to provide this solution everywhere via a wide range of maturities ranging from 200 to 600.

And to pursue its breeding efforts in order to continue to combine this innovative solution with the best of our genetic assets.

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