Secure Density, a technique to significantly increase the yield of maize in forage and grain

Publish on 1 April 2024
The performance of maize is closely related to its ability to trap light for photosynthesis; the more light trapped the higher the plant’s potential. By playing on two criteria that are density & inter-row spacing, with SECURE DENSITY, RAGT proposes a new stand geometry in order to maximise potential.

RAGT has always aimed to combine our hybrids with farmers’ agronomic practices in order to bring out the best of what plots have to offer.

Density is a key component of yield

Sowing density remains the main driver to maximise yield. Density is considered optimised when a balance is reached between plant competition and the use of available resources (light, water, nutrients).

This optimisation must not be at the expense of the agronomic safety of hybrids (stem strength, end of cycle, etc.).


A narrower inter-row gap brings great benefits

Reducing the gap offers many advantages.

First, it promotes faster inter-row coverage and therefore better control of weeds and erosion risks. By reducing the spacing between the rows, the distribution of plants is improved, which induces optimised foliar & root development and therefore more efficient photosynthesis.

Finally, this technique facilitates the use of the same equipment (drill, hoeing machines, etc.) for different crops. This versatility contributes to the simplification and reduction of machinery costs.

Increasing yield

 SECURE DENSITY is the combination of these two agronomic practices and brings many advantages. Since 2017, RAGT has been studying this new approach through a dedicated trial network. In micro-plots, but also in farm conditions, we test the varieties eligible for this range. The objective is to validate their good behaviour, namely potential gain while maintaining a satisfactory level of agronomic safety.

“Secure Density is a 100% winning solution. If the climatic conditions of the year are stressful, the performance will be stable; conversely if the climate is favourable, then the yield is raised”, explains Camille Bos, international maize expert.


SECURE DENSITY the benefits

Compared to drilling with conventional density & spacing, SECURE DENSITY offers a minimum yield gain of +8% in forage and +10% in grain while maintaining good stem strength and maintaining its nutritional value for silage.

SECURE DENSITY makes the most of pedoclimatic conditions in order to maximise the yield potential of your plots.

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